In Nigeria, this month of Ramadan is the occasion for the iconic and transgenerational Peak Milk brand to celebrate sharing, caring and giving while emphasizing the importance of milk nourishment at breakfast (Sahur) and at the breaking of fast (Iftar).

The brand has just launched a campaign, called “Peak Ramadan », featuring activities to promote family bonding and to provide nutritional tips to help the Muslim community to make the most of the fasting season.
The brand first partnered with selected chefs to develop nutritious recipes to prepare the Sahur and Iftar meals in an easier way. Peak Milk also created the hashtag #IftarwithPeak to encourage consumers to be particularly generous during this time of the year and to open their doors to people to share Iftar. The brand selected some influencers to challenge consumers to nominate friends or family members to have Iftar with them. Consumers who posted on social media a photo of them having Iftar with an influencer and Peak Milk products, with the @peak_milk tag, were rewarded with gifts.
At last, the campaign is the occasion for the brand to provide rich protein nourishment to consumers in mosques and praying grounds in Nigerian cities like Lagos, Ibadan, Ilorin, Kano, Abuja and Jos during Iftar.
Why is it inspiring?

In Nigeria, roughly 50% of the population is Muslim. Celebrating sharing and giving during the month of Ramadan is an occasion for this transgenerational brand to express its values (family bonds and caring) and to bring them to life through very tangible events.

In Nigeria, more than 90% of the population has smartphones and half of the population is under 19 years old. Therefore, most popular brands’ campaigns are only rolled out on social media platforms. Even if Peak Milk is an iconic 60 years-old-brand, its marketing campaigns only use social media and digital platforms.

Three Crowns milk, another iconic Nigerian milk brand, has also rolled out a campaign for Ramadan encouraging consumers to stay healthy and nourished throughout the month. Yet, the Peak Milk campaign goes beyond as it focuses on human and universal values beyond health and nourishment.
Take-outs for brands

Brand campaigns are great occasions to celebrate brand’s values and culture and remind them in consumers ‘mind.

Harnessing human values like sharing, caring and giving is always a good idea for a brand, especially when it resonates with a specific cultural event.